A glimpse of future projects coming from Frenemy Studios.



In a world where language is magic and words can manifest real-world weapons, an unassuming young boy must master his own unique linguistic gift to defend the world's creative thinkers from the monsters born of the cruelest imagination. 



High school is never a picnic. But when marching band geeks form B.A.N.D.O.R.K, a mechanized musical robot, it's more brutally competitive than ever. Merging to become the ultimate ensemble of music, mechs and madness, these oddball teens are saving their town one note at a time. 


What happens when a morbidly depressed phoenix hits his fourth (or is it fifth) midlife crisis? Oldtimer's been through this cycle of life and death and frankly, the old bird is over it. That all changes when the reclusive eternal bird gets himself kidnapped and thrust into a most unwelcome adventure